Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Liberating Truth

"Who are you to judge another's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand." - Romans 14:4 NKJV

I would be happier receiving critical feedback from Tim Keller, Doug Wilson, and N.T. Wright than in spending my life trying to point out where they are going wrong. Yes, we must protect our churches from error. Yes, we need to critique each other in order to "contend earnestly for the faith which has once and for all been delivered to the saints." Nevertheless, most Reformed bloggers would benefit from pondering Romans 14:4 before sending their latest critiques of more famous men off into cyberspace.

It is a liberating truth to know that God hasn't called me to be Tim Keller. He has called me to follow Him. Christ has set us free from the burden of being another pastor's nanny to the joyous task of proclaiming His victory over Satan, sin, and death on behalf of His people.

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