Thursday, September 16, 2010

Read Before 22 September 2010

This week we will be looking at the Rise of Islam

Nine years ago a group of Islamic terrorists hijacked jumbo-jets and crashed them into the World Trade center killing thousands of people. After this wicked deed was done, many people wanted to point out that it was the action of a small number of men and that Islam is a "religion of peace". But is it? How can you know? It is important for Christians to ask the related question, "Is Christianity a religion of peace?" A knowledge of the history and beliefs of Islam are important for anyone living in the modern world.

Islam beings with Muhammad whom Muslims believe is Allah's last and most exalted prophet. In 622 AD, Muhammad fled from Mecca to Medina. This flight is reckoned as the first year of Islam. Muslims date their calendar from this year.
It will be most helpful if you familiarize yourself with the following definitions and concepts prior to class:

  1. Muslim is an Arabic word that means one who submits to Allah.
  2. Allah is Arabic for God.
  3. Koran is an Arabic word for recitations. This is because Muslims do not believe that Muhammad wrote the Koran. He simply received it directly from God. The Koran, according to Muslims, consists of Muhammad reciting verbatim the words that Allah gave to him.
  4. A Mosque is a Muslim house of prayer.
  5. Caliph. Originally Caliphs were senior political leaders but, over time, they became religious and political leaders.
  1. What is God like? Muslims view Allah (God) as being absolutely sovereign. Furthermore, Muslims view Allah as being perfectly just. Allah is often described as being "wholly other". That is, Allah is so holy and exalted that no human language can speak meaningfully of him.
  2. There are Five Pillars of Islam: (1) Profession of the unity of Allah and that Muhammad is his prophet; (2) Prayer; (3) Alms giving; (4) Fasting; and (5) Pilgrimage.
  3. Islam is a works based religion. Life on earth is viewed as a period of testing. A persons good and bad deeds will be weighed in the balance on the day of judgment. The good will go to heaven and the bad will be sent to hell.


  1. What is attractive about Islam? That is, why would anyone want to become a Muslim?
  2. How did early Islam spread? Is this significant?
  3. What does one have to do to become a Muslim?
  4. Is Islam compatible with Christianity?

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